Due changes of couples' level we were forced to change the timetable a little. So we finsih a little bit earlier on Sunday. Please see the following documents:
The entry is closed! We are working hard now to prepare the timetable. Please understand, that late entries are only possible if they do not chance the timetable at all. Again we have 10 percent more entries than last year! The new all-time-high now is 930 entries!
Due changes of couples' level we were forced to change the timetable a little. So we finish a little bit earlier on Sunday. Please see the following documents:
Here you find all detailled Information about the event being held on March, 21th and 22th, 2009. Find every details about Agegroups, Levels/Grades, Dances, Rules, etc.
Impressum: Veranstalter des TanzSport-Turniers und für den Inhalt dieser Site verantwortlich: ATSC Imperial Wien, 1170 Wien, Weißgasse 33, Tel.
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01/405 02 44. Hotline: +43 676 8782 60607 Der ATSC Imperial Wien und der UTSK
Casino Wien sind Mitglied im Wiener TanzSport-Verband WTSV und im Österreichischen TanzSport-Verband ÖTSV. Die Seiten
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