In case you registered already earlier (e.g. for an other competition in Austria), please use the existing registration data, please. (If you have forgotten your password, please use the "Passwort vergessen?"-link at the entry pages below).
After having finished the registration process you will receive an eMail inlcuding your logon-data. Additionally you see your username immediately at the screen and you can enter to the competitions directly:
Entry portal available soon!
In case of any questions please contact the organizer with eMail.
Here you find all detailled Information about the event being held on March, 18th and 19th, 2017. Find every details about Agegroups, Levels/Grades, Dances, Rules, etc.
Venue: Sporthotel Kurz, Stadiongasse 16, A-7350 Oberpullendorf, Austria
Impressum: Veranstalter des TanzSport-Turniers und für den Inhalt dieser Site verantwortlich: ATSC Imperial Wien, 1170 Wien, Weißgasse 33, Tel.
01/486 32 23, UTSK Casino Wien, 1080 Wien, Florianigasse 66, Tel.
01/405 02 44. Hotline: +43 676 8782 60607 Der ATSC Imperial Wien und der UTSK
Casino Wien sind Mitglied im Wiener TanzSport-Verband WTSV und im Österreichischen TanzSport-Verband ÖTSV. Die Seiten
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