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Dieser Artikel ist nicht mehr gültig und gehört zum Archiv 2015! This article has expired and is part of the Archive 2015!Entries are possible only using the centralized entry portal of the Austrian DanceSport Federation:
Online entry for Austrian couples and foreign couples already registered at Austrian DanceSport Federation's entry portal:
Entry for Saturday: klick.
Entry for Sunday: klick.
Information for foreign couples not registerd yet at Austrian DanceSPort Federation's entry portal:
All foreign couples need to register here: klick.
In case you registered already earlier (e.g. for an other competition in Austria), please use the existing registration data, please. (If you have forgotten your password, please use the "Passwort vergessen?"-link at the entry pages below).
After having finished the registration process you will receive an eMail inlcuding your logon-data. Additionally you see your username immediately at the screen and you can enter to the competitions directly:
Entry for Saturday: klick.
Entry for Sunday: klick.
In case of any questions please contact the organizer with eMail.
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©Eliasch |